Experience Paragraph
We've already learnt a new way of supporting: through an experience paragraph! Now, this is what I want you to do. Here's a small list of brief writing prompts; not full-blown topics, just hints and clues to get you started. Take a minute to look over the list. Then pick one prompt that brings to mind a particular image, experience, or idea. And that's it! Start writing your paragraph. Don't forget to respect the basic parts of a paragraph and support with experiences. JMC.
- Everyone else was laughing
- Late again
- What I've always wanted
- A sound I'd never heard before
- What if ...
- The last time I saw him
- At that moment I should have left
- Keeping a secret
- Waking up in a strange room
- All I have left is this photo
It is important to keep a secret as the person who tells you is that trusts you and you must not disappoint that eventually we can spend the same. We all have secrets, some people need to tell someone to be calm and relaxed as some of these can be very bad. For this reason we must know what kind of people we trust them our secrets. By: Luis
ReplyDeletewaking up in a strange room is the best incredible experience that i have lived. three years ago, when i was meeting with my group of friends, who were Raul, Luis, Carla, Sandra and Lucas. We were drinking much alcohol, laughing in the house of Luis. That day have been difficult in forget, because i still do not remember how i woke in the house of Sandra. In the evening, we were talking many topics as last party or our career. Raul took our money and bought beers with junk food. when the beer was finished, we bought 2 bottles of tequila, 1 of ron and 1 of whisky. Sandra and me were talking normally, but she put angry with me when i tried to kiss her. I understood that she did not like and it was not a problem for us, we continued enjoying the party. I put drunk and fell in the sofa, when i woke up my stomach was bad and ran to the bathroom, Sandra was happy in see me and kissed me. i felt rather, but i do not remember how we arrive to that situation. I saw that bathroom was not of Luis, it was very strange. the room was nice, although i tried in divert the topic as i arrived to her room, she wanted to talk me all the situation before we were in her house. It was very shameful. that day we were couple, enjoy us the rest of the day. I promised that i would never drink much alcohol and wake in other room it do not be mine. BY Churchil Buenaventura
ReplyDeleteThe last time I saw him I still had feelings for him, I've always though that he was the love of my life, the kind of man I've always desire, but when I change my opinion about him? Well, it was when I discovered his lies, he told me that he only wanted me like a friend and because of that he couldn't be my boyfriend, but before of that he gave me my first kiss so I didn't understand how a person can kiss to other without feelings... He told me that he didn't want to be with anyone because wanted to be alone, that was okay I was agree with that, I accepted. Two days after I found out that he had 3 girlfriends and I was just the little girl that he wanted to cheat, making me believe that I was not the woman he needs just because I was '' innocent and boring girl''... Since that experience I decided to close my heart, but in the practice, men always will be in the way. Joyce Morales
ReplyDeleteWaking up in a strange room is something that produce scare but at the same time amazing. Many years ago in the house of a friend. We made a pijamada and we did a lot of things like watch movies, eat junk food and other things. One of the things was that she was cutting my hair. In a certain moment I felt a finger touch my front but my friend was cutting the right side and she never touche me. I felt scared. The only thing that I wanted was leave the house and go to my home. Then I told her what happened to me and she told me that in the house penans. One of her stories was that one night she was in her bed sleeping and she opened her eyes and saw in the door a man was seeing while she sleeping. Then she covered with the bedspread and since that moment I never go to sleep there. I felt so scared and I couldn't sleep well. Sometimes it's better not to know this things because you would never go to this sites and not stay calm. Jennifer Bajaña
ReplyDeleteOn mondays I had classes at the university with law subject at 07:00 o'clock but my alarm didn´t work well and my teacher was strict with the schedule. Sunday night I went to bed at 01:30 am and it was a stressful day for me because all day I were cooking with my mom to cousin's birthday. Then, I had forgotten to fix my alarm and it didn't work. I wake up at 06:00 am but I live in El triunfo and my university was in Milagro. It was impossible arrive early to the university If the buss arrived to Milagro in 1 hour. I was really worried because I knew that My teacher didn't like the tardiness. I arrived to the university at 07:15 and My teacher didn't let me pass to classes and I failed the exposition in that day. It was a bad day . Finally, I understood that I must review my alarm to avoid another bad day.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I forgot to put my name Glenda Patiño R.
DeleteKeeping a secret. when friends keeping my secret. I am sure that They always believe in my because I work hard to get more friends and I grateful to God when He bless my way.
ReplyDeleteIt is important know many people for They be a good friends.I also preserve all memories about People around me.
Yucef Sotomayor.
Yucef Sotomayor.
my own experince.
ReplyDeletelast month, a tourist arrived at terminal bus at 8.00,o'clock from New York, I was waiting to my family at terminal bus too, this tourist have a big problem because he cannot speak in espanish,
he was upset and stressful ,in the first time I was a little nervous , so I decided to help the man
he told me that I need to travel to beaches called montañita ,where mi wife wait me , by wich
I talk with a taxidriver , who understand me and traveled with him, I think it's very important to
learn other languages such as English,Italy ,French , etc.
Personally , I think that if you study English,you have many advantages.
luis condo.
"Late again", is one of the phrases spoken by my boss but my coworkers whenever fall behind in their work activities. For example, last week, my boss of laboratory said we had a meeting at 8 am with new suppliers of material sterilization. We were all ready, well that's what I thought, but a colleague had been delayed because his son had forgotten to bring his lunch to school, then her as a single mother working all day, I had to take their food, never imagine that would be a terrible traffic, when I arrive at the office meeting, afraid that she would punish by so late, walked as fast as she bumped into me and spilled all the coffee in my uniform. I said nothing, I went to the bathroom to change, when I return, the boss is angry with me because he thought I had arrived late, I felt terrible. In the end, the meeting did and could realize all that was necessary.
ReplyDeleteLorena Pazmiño
Everyone else was laughing. I remember 5 years ago how everyone laughed at my in a grotesque form. One day i woke up late for class. I had two jeans one had a hole in the back and the other was new. I was sleepy and i dressed in jean with hole. I arrived very late for the school and when i arrived the rector talked very serious with my. I entered very fast at my course and sat in my chair. After a moment i got up from my chair to ask to my teacher about a homework and all my classmates saw the hole behind my jean. Everyone laughed at me including my teacher. Some classmates were thrown to the floor with laughter. I felt bad and ashamed. For days they laughed at me then i saw it as joke and an experience.
ReplyDeleteDavid Sanchez
Waking up in a strange room is the worst experience that, I had in my life. One day, I went to my grandmother's house wich is in Santa Elena. I was very excited to visit and spent time with her.When I arrived to her home, she was very happy, obviously, me too. We did many things, I walked, coocked and talked for a long.. time. At the afternoon I was very tired so I dicided to slept, I went to my roon and slept.But when I woke up was dark, my back was hurted and then, I noticed that, I was in the kitchen's floor, I was very afraid and nerveous, how it's posible that I was there?!!. I heard the voice of my grandmother and she saw my face and told me that I walk while I sleep. I was sorprise, I never imagine that. She told me that It was better that, I would slept with her.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was 17 years old I was so depressed because of some family problems and I hated the world (and the school by the way). I tried to please everyone and as result I pretended to be nice so I forgot how to be myself, but when I felt in a deep hole I decided to change. So I wondered: "What if I stop this and just find the way of be myself.” Let me tell you, at the end of the school year I felt so relief. First I began to change my attitude. I stopped being nice and pretending that I did not feel sadness or hate. My classmates were so shocked at first, but I didn´t care it. It was not until I noticed that I was forgetting who I was, that I started to feel good with myself. It was not good and I could not stand it anymore. After that I realized that some friends were not real friends. I learned a good lesson of this experience people are not what you think and is better avoid pretending be another person because in the way you can be hurt. Melanie Chiquito
ReplyDeleteMy own experince
ReplyDeleteLast year, my wife and I traveled around the Colombia , was an of last vacations we have been
enjoyed really .
First we arrived to Colombia , we have to review our passport at immigration department to
Colombia , after we take the bus towards to Cali , this country has several wonderful places
such as mountains ,lakes and rivers. so, when we arrived to cali I was very worried because
we don't have any hotel reservation . Therefore , we taken a taxi and asked for a confortable
hotel ,then we had been looking for a restaurant fortunately , we found a nice restaurant , whose
foods were very delicious .We ate the specialty of the house a dish called ."Bandeja paisa" .
After we decided to visit Medellin and Pasto , the best part of travel was when we visited a
little town called Ipiales . There is a wonderful church called ,"Virgen de las lajas" where we can
hear mass and pray , in this place twenty years ago mi mather told me that , someday you
have to return with your family , my mother died three years ago. in this moment , I cried
rememberig my mom. att.Luis Condo.
Keeping a secret. When I was at high school I used to have a lot of friends. I think that I was very trusting because I have never felt a disappointment from any friend. One day I was talking with One of them and confidently I told her that someone liked me. After many days I started to hear jokes from guys of other courses like: Do you like Erick? but he has a girlfriend do you know? It was the worst embarrasing situation which I have lived at high school. After that, I remembered that the unic person that I told my secret was her and she was able to tell it to other people. I felt very desillusioned and finally, I understood that not all people is your real friend and the best way to keep safe a secret is maintaining it inside ourselves because a secret in mouth of people is a time's bomb.
ReplyDeleteKathia Zuñiga
DeleteWhen I was a child I can remember very well that I liked to close each door what I saw with locked. I lived in Ambato and my house was so big. I have three brothers and the younger of them has done to the bathroom. He cosed the door which was with locked. After five minutes aproximatly my brother was not. My mother had done to buy bread in front of my house. Then She arrived to home. My brother was crying and screaming. My mon did not have the keys because we rented the hause, the hause'´s owner had the keys, buttttttt she was not in tha moment. My mother had to wait her and she was desperated. She did not know what to do. After that my mother gave me the beating of my life . I really never again closed doors. Finally I apologized to my brother. Nowadays he remember it very well and we laught of that.
ReplyDeleteAna Gabriela Lucas.
Keeping a secret. I remember when I almost was 10 years. My best friend (boy) fell in love of my cousin (girl). They had a relationship. But,my cousin confessed me that she was not in love of him. I was in shock becuse I saw him very excited, in love and happy whit her. She confessed me it like a secret, but he and I did not have secret. Then almost 3 month passed. My cousin and I were out side of home. She started to talk with a guy and then she and he were
ReplyDeleteShe and he were kissing. Then I looked behind me and saw to my best friend!!! OMG!!!.
DeleteThey broke down their relationship. He did not speak whit me maybe for 2 years. During this time I felt soooo sad. Just to keep a secret.
Jusseidy Hurtado
All these issues are very interesting and some people suffer or go through some of them.It is important to think and meditate before choosing any of these issues because with those comments to improve and we have these ideas clearer. LuisR
ReplyDeleteKeeping a secret must be one of the hardest things a person could do. Once one of my best friends told me something personal about her boyfriend, it was so embarrassing. While we were talking about that another friend came and sit with us, and we inmediatly stop talking, she looked at us with a rare face and we just laugh and start talking about something else. When my best friend left, I stay there with my other friend and she asked me about what had happen when she arrived, and to be honest I'm a bad lier, so I just told her about the secret and she was surprised. But my best friend never got to know that I had told her secret to someone else, and I'm so relief about that. By: Givanna